This past weekend, it has been alleged that Jake Gyllenhaal was in a fight in a bar in a Montréal. Provoked by another patron, Gyllenhaal is said to have reacted physically to the question "Hey, are you the guy who killed Heath Ledger?"

Did Jake Gyllenhaal roughhouse with a woman this weekend?

No, we don't mean in the fun way, babes. There's a report going around that the Prince of Persia star got into a little altercation up in Montreal over the weekend.

And we're here to sort things out for you...

The alleged incident supposedly went down Saturday night at restaurant Garde-Manger.

Apparently Gyllenhaal was dancing on the bench of his table with a group of pals, ticking off a blogger from DrunkenStepfather a few feet away who found the show to be quite egocentric.

Said blogger then went up to Jake's table, turned to a girl there and goes (according the blogger himself): "Hey isn't that the guy who kissed Heath Ledger?"

Gyllenhaal apparently got in the guys face, told him to f--ck off and got the dude escorted out of the club. Only problem is in this he-said, he-said tale is that the blogger also claims his female guest was pushed about 10 times by Gyllenhaal before J.G.'s crew pulled him away.

Gyllenhaal's rep claims blogger's story is "libelous" and informs us his lawyers are taking "immediate action."

And for more info on what really went down, here's what we've learned:

Jake was definitely at the restaurant Saturday night (he's a regular there) as was the blogger. Main discrepancy here? We're told by sources who were present that the blogger in question said, "Hey isn't that the guy who killed Heath Ledger?" prompting Jake to yell to the bouncers "get these guys the f--k out of here."

The instigator and his crew were then thrown out.

We originally read this blog post yesterday, where the site definitely had "killed" not "kissed" up until it was later changed. The post actually backs up this supposed kill claim by ranting in the item that if Jake was Ledger's friend, he probably would have been there for him in his low point.

Seriously can't say we blame Gyllenhaal's heated reaction. "Isn't that the guy who killed Heath Ledger?" Not a funny joke, dude. We wish punches were thrown.

As for this girl who was supposedly caught in the crossfire? Onlookers tell us "there were a bunch of girls" there but "no one was shoved or hurt."

Jake is currently in Montreal filming Source Code, which won't be affected by this nonincident. We hear filming has been going "great" up there before this.
