James Cameron re-inserts 'Avatar' sex scene

Speaking to MTV, Cameron described the lovemaking scene between Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana as "alien foreplay", noting that it lasts "all of about 20 seconds".

Cameron said: "It's been restored, every last frame of it. Seriously. I would say, just so that we correctly manage people's expectations, it does not change our rating at all. I would call it more of an alien foreplay scene. It's not like they're ripping their clothes off and going at it."

In a separate interview with Movieline, Cameron explained that he removed the scene for the initial theatrical run after getting a negative reaction from test audiences.

"I always felt that it was a good moment, so I wanted to put it back in," he said. "I mean, what have I got to lose? The film's already a big hit. I think it’s actually an illumination of the Na'vi way: There’s a Na’vi way for everything, including making love.

"Of course, I just want to be clear for the record that it's only an additional 20 seconds. The 'horizontal bop' part of it still takes place off camera after the dissolve."

source: DigitalSpy